We are so excited you joined our Music Box Family!
Welcome and congratulations! YOU are now on the way to discovering your musical identity and becoming a better, more confident version of yourself.
Here is what’s included in your Monthly Tuition
Here is what to expect from your experiences at Music Box:
Your individual (30-minute) or group (50-minute) lessons happen weekly. Please note your standing lesson time on your calendar, and remember, regularly attending your lessons, as well as practicing at home, are essential to your learning progress. Not to worry, we will send you lesson notes and practice reminders!
Your group learning session - Performance Workshop - happens monthly (on the last Sunday of each month, unless we are accommodating for a holiday). Reference our Instructional Calendar for Performance Workshop Dates and Times. Reminders are sent out for each event.
Learn more about our quarterly Testing Events and graduate performances
Join our Band Program
Sign Up for Music Box week-long Camp(s)
We have put together Student Success Tips for you to reference: our 4 ‘P's of Progress:
We teach music as a language! As it can be heard, written and conveyed.
At Music Box you get to learn from a team of educators
We communicate often: via e-mail, your musicboxinc.com online portal, text, phone, and social channels. Please ensure that info@musicboxinc.com is a trusted e-mail in your inbox and you are subscribed to us on Youtube, Facebook, & Instagram.
You will receive a few onboarding e-mails in the beginning
Consecutive communications with school news, announcements
& reminders will come in weekly and monthlyYou should receive lesson and event reminders via e-mail and text
You should receive weekly lesson plan notes from your teacher
Additional communications about testing, recitals, scheduling changes, school closing days, etc. will be sent on as needed basis
Music Box has a set of School Policies that apply to all Teachers, Staff, Students & Parents