“Yelena and Alex,
Thank you both for providing such an amazing experience during my internship this semester. I began the semester feeling incredibly uncertain about my future and stressed about my job search. I’m so grateful to now be in a much better place than I was in August, and Music Box has been a significant part of this positive shift. Throughout the semester, I mentioned Music Box in every single one of my interviews. I talked about working in the fast-paced and varied environment of a small business, and even when applying to large companies, the adaptability and flexibility I developed during my time at Music Box proved incredibly valuable.
Furthermore, both of you have been incredible mentors and guides during this tumultuous time in my life. You have taught me lessons that I will carry with me throughout my career. On top of that, I can confidently say I genuinely enjoyed every shift. I loved being surrounded by amazing teachers, children, and parents. Everyone was so welcoming and accommodating, especially during my first few weeks.
Thank you all for such a positive and enriching internship experience!”