Being patient with yourself and your instrument is important. Mastering an art form does not happen overnight. It takes dedication, hard work and repetition.
Musical accomplishments, no matter how big or small, are very rewarding and instantly gratifying. The fastest way to learn a song is to actually slow it down. All great musicians were once beginners and needed a teacher. We are here for you to recommend tools, resources and techniques for advancement.
Practice, practice, practice. It may not make perfect, but it definitely makes permanent.
Don’t just practice for the sake of practicing. Practice with intent and awareness, and over time, you will build a solid skill. The best musicians are life-long learners, and even the most famous and accomplished, have the discipline to practice every chance they get to be even better musicians.
Praise your own accomplishments, and the achievements of your fellow musicians. Never underestimate the power of a kind word, in regards to yourself and others.
Celebrating successful milestones helps build self-esteem, reflect on lessons learned, establish confidence, and motivates to further perfect your skills. Learn and grow at your own pace. You are already a true musician, and learning music is a journey, so make fun and make it your own.
Participation will shape your future musicianship.
The very start on the road to success is showing up! Attend your lessons regularly, and actively seek opportunities to practice performing, whether it's in your own living room, on a Music Box stage, or a local / national events. These are all learning opportunities and will make you a better musician.